NIRS NEWS No.74, DEC 2002

The Takeda Techno-Entrepreneurship Award 2002

Hideo Murayama

Dr. Hideo Murayama is awared by The Takeda Techno-Entrepreneurship 2002 for a development of the noninvasive technique for brain imaging.

The System Design of a Brain PET Scanner

A four-layer DOI detector for a 3D PET scanner was newly developed and the possibility was demonstrated in a laboratory condition. One detector contains 1,024 GSO crystals of 2.9 x 2.9 x 7.5 mm3, and array of the crystal is connected with a wide position sensitive PMT. The wide PMT enhances the packing fraction and the total sensitivity of the system; the flux of gamma-rays per detector is considerably increased, too. To reduce burden of the confidence circuits, the data are transported in list-mode format having a time-stamp. The format can notably reduce the cost of system memory, too.

Fig.1: Investigated techniques for the new brain PET scanner with DOI detectors.

Fig.2: A result of imaging simulation to optimize the system.

Don't use the figures elsewhere.

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