Application of accelerators for the research and development of scintillators
Kengo Shibuya, Masanori Koshimizu, Keisuke Asai, Yusa Muroya, Yosuke Katsumura, Naoko Inadama, Eiji Yoshida, Fumihiko Nishikido, Taiga Yamaya, and Hideo Murayama


We introduce experimental systems which use accelerators to evaluate scintillation properties such as scintillation intensity, wavelength, and lifetime. A single crystal of good optical quality is often unavailable during early stages in the research and development (R&D) of new scintillator materials. Because of their beams’ high excitation power and/or low penetration depth, accelerators facilitate estimation of the properties of early samples which may only be available as powders, thin films, and very small crystals. We constructed a scintillation spectrum measurement system that uses a Van de Graaff accelerator and an optical multichannel analyzer to estimate the relative scintillation intensity. In addition, we constructed a scintillation time profile measurement system that uses an electron linear accelerator and a femtosecond streak camera or a microchannel plate photomultiplier tube followed by a digital oscilloscope to determine the scintillation lifetimes. The time resolution is approximately 10 ps. The scintillation spectra or time profiles can be obtained in a significantly shorter acquisition time in comparison with that required by conventional measuring systems. The advantages of the systems described in this study can significantly promote the R&D of novel scintillator materials.


FIG. 2. Schematic diagram of the scintillation time profile measurement system using an e-linac and a femtosecond streak camera or a MCP-PMT followed by a DOS. The streak camera is mainly used for measurements of lifetimes shorter than 1 ns, and the MCP-PMT is used for the measurements of lifetimes longer than that. The accelerator and detectors share the trigger signal. They are placed in a dark room and are controlled from the operation room.