jPET Project Team Presentations in International Conferences
- WC 2006: World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2006, Seoul, Korea, AUG 27-SEP 1, 2006.
- Hideo Murayama, et al: "PET Instrumentation-Basic and Advanced Technologies on Scintillators, Photomultiplier Tubes, Signal Processings, Data Correctios, and Image Reconstructions", Short Course, WC 2006.
- Kengo Shibuya, et al: "Limit of Spatial Resolution in FDG-PET due to Annihilation Photon Non-Collinearity", #3204, Image Generation, Analysis and Management, Nuclear Medicine Physics and Systems, WC 2006.
- Yasuhiro Fukushima, et al: "Speed-Up of a New Head Motion Tracking Method for PET", #3206, Image Generation, Analysis and Management, Nuclear Medicine Physics and Systems, WC 2006.
- Hideo Murayama: "Recent Advances in PET and the new jPET-D4 System", #3210, Invited Talk II, Nuclear Medicine Physics and Systems, WC 2006.
- Taiga Yamaya, et al: "3D Image Reconstruction with Accurate System Modeling for the jPET-D4", #3211, Instrumentation, Nuclear Medicine Physics and Systems, WC 2006.
- Kei Takahashi, et al: "Performance Evaluation of jPET-RD Detector Composed of 32 ~ 32 ~ 4 LYSO Crystal Array", #3214, Instrumentation, Nuclear Medicine Physics and Systems, WC 2006.
- Eiji Yoshida, et al: "Count Rate Performance of a Brain DOI-PET Scanner: jPET-D4", #3219, Poster Session, Nuclear Medicine Physics and Systems, WC 2006.
- Tetsuya Kobayashi, et al: "Sensitivity and Count Rate Performance of Small Bore DOI-PET Scanners Using the Monte Carlo Simulator GATE", #3222, Poster Session, Nuclear Medicine Physics and Systems, WC 2006.
- Hisashi Takahashi, et al: "Resolution Performance of Simulated Small Bore DOI-PET Scanners Using List-Mode Image Reconstruction", #3223, Poster Session, Nuclear Medicine Physics and Systems, WC 2006.
- Naoko Inadama, et al: "Development of DOI Detector for PMT Blind Region", #3224, Poster Session, Nuclear Medicine Physics and Systems, WC 2006.
- Ayako Kobayashi, et al: "Evaluation of Sensitivity for a Brain DOI-PET Scanner : jPET-D4", #3226, Poster Session, Nuclear Medicine Physics and Systems, WC 2006.
- Tomoyuki Hasegawa, et al: "Interactive Three-dimensional Educational Animations for Medical Physics and Radiological Technology", #5322, E-Learning Methods and Applications, Education, Training and Professional Development, WC 2006.
- SNM 2006: Society of Nuclear Medicine 53rd Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, USA, JUN 3-7, 2006.
- Taiga Yamaya, et al: "First human brain images of the jPET-D4: A novel 4-layer depth-of-interaction PET scanner", #530, Instrumentation II PET, SNM 2006.
- Naoko Inadama, et al: "Preliminary resolution evaluation of jPET-RD: A 4-layer DOI-PET scanner for small animals", #1515, Instrumentation Posters, SNM 2006.
- IEEE NSS/MIC 2005 (10 papers were presented!): IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, OCT 23-29, 2005. (Our Abstracts and the Schedule)
- Naoko Inadama, et al: "8-Layer DOI encoding of 3-dimensional crystal array", NSS-MIC Joint Session 1, J01-5, NSS-MIC2005.
- Tomoaki Tsuda, et al: "Measurement of 32 ~ 8 ~ 4 LYSO crystal responses of DOI detector for jPET-RD", NSS-MIC Joint Posters Session, J03-28, NSS-MIC2005.
- Kengo Shibuya, et al: "Quantum confinement effects in semiconducting scintillators", Scintillation Detectors III, N38-2, NSS2005.
- Manabu Hamamoto, et al: "DOI detection capability of 3D crystal array standing over two PMTs", Posters 1, M03-115, MIC2005.
- Tomoyuki Hasegawa, et al: "Motion correction for jPET-D4: improvement of measurement accuracy with a solid marker", Posters 1, M03-224, MIC2005.
- Eiji Yoshida, et al: "Event-by-event random and scatter estimator based on support vector machine using multi-anode outputs", Posters 1, M03-304, MIC2005.
- Taiga Yamaya, et al: "The jPET-D4: imaging performance of the 4-layer depth-of-interaction PET scanner", Posters 2, M07-83 (PREMIUM), MIC2005.
- Yusuke Ono, et al: "The jPET-D4: simple and reliable construction method for 4-layer DOI crystal blocks", Posters 3, M11-111, MIC2005.
- Eiji Yoshida, et al: "The jPET-D4: detector calibration and acquisition system of the 4-layer DOI-PET scanner", Posters 3, M11-270, MIC2005.
- Yoko Ikoma, et al: "Evaluation of error on parameter estimates in the quantitative analysis of receptor studies with positron emission tomography", Posters 3, M11-321, MIC2005.
- JKMP05: The 4th Japan-Korea Joint Meeting on Medical Physics and The 5th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics, Kyoto, Japan, SEP 29 - OCT 1, 2005.
- Taiga Yamaya, et al: "The jPET-D4: Transaxial imaging performance of a novel 4-layer depth-of-interaction", Nuclear Medicine #1, JKMP05.
- Yusuke Ono, et al, "Four-layer depth-of-interaction detectors for the jPET-D4", Nuclear Medicine #2, JKMP05.
- Naoko Inadama, et al: "DOI detection capability of 3D crystal array standing over two PMTs", Nuclear Medicine #3, JKMP05.
- Manabu Hamamoto, et al: "8-layer depth-of-interaction encoding of 3-dimensinal crystal array", Nuclear Medicine #4, JKMP05.
- Tomoaki Tsuda, et al: "Resolution measurements of a four-layer DOI prototype detector for jPET-RD: PET Scanner", Poster Session #11, JKMP05.
- Eiji Yoshida, et al: "Calibration and evaluation of DOI detector for jPET-D4", Poster Session #14, JKMP05.
- Kengo Shibuya, et al: "Low-dimensional semiconducting materials in developing ultra-fast scintillators", Poster Session #56, JKMP05.
- SNM2005: Society of Nuclear Medicine 52nd Annual Meeting, Toront, Canada, JUN 18-22, 2005.
- Eiji Yoshida, et al: "Transaxial resolution uniformity of the jPET-D4 with a robust DOI detector calibration", Young Investigater Award Symposium #144, Computer & Instrumentation Coucil, SNM2005.
- Tomoaki Tsuda, et al: "Uniform resolution performance of the fourlayer DOI detector for a rodent PET scanner: jPET-RD", Instrumentation Posters #1559, Instrumention & Data Analysis Track, SNM2005.