章 | 担当 | 日付 | 資料 |
1 Principles of PET I: Medical Aspects (with the Abstract and Preface) | 澁谷(放医研) | 2005/04/21 | |
2 Principles of PET II: Physical Background | 澁谷(放医研) | 2005/05/06 | |
3 Principles of PET III: Scintillators | 澁谷(放医研) | 2005/05/13 | |
4 Principles of PET IV: Measuring Principles | 山崎(千葉大) | 2005/05/13 | |
5 Principles of PET V: Design Features | 高橋(千葉大) | 2005/05/20 | |
6 Principles of PET VI: Corrections | 南川(東京大) | 2005/05/20 | |
7 Principles of PET VII: Image Reconstruction | 津田(千葉大) | 2005/06/06 | |
8 The HRRT | 小林(千葉大) | 2005/06/03 | |
錦戸(早稲大) | 2005/06/13 | |
小野(千葉大) | 2005/06/24 | |
濱本(早稲大) | 2005/06/24 | |
9 Calibration Sources and Phantoms | 小林(首都大) | 2005/06/27 | |
10 Evaluation of the HRRT: Materials and Methods | 佐藤(放医研) | 2005/07/08 | |
11 Evaluation of the HRRT: Results | 生駒(放医研) | 2005/07/22 | |
吉田(放医研) | 2005/07/22 | |
12 Evaluation of the Depth of Interaction | 稲玉(放医研) | 2005/07/29 | |
13 Development of a DQC | 山崎(千葉大) | 2005/09/02 | |
14 The Commercial HRRT | 小林(首都大) | 2005/09/09 | |
小林(千葉大) | 2005/00/00 | |
15 Summary | 高橋(千葉大) | 2005/00/00 | |