Counted since 2005/06/09
The jPET(R) Project Team, NIRS, Japan [放射線医学総合研究所 "jPET" プロジェクトチーム]
Imaging Physics Section, Department of Biophysics, Molecular Imaging Center,
National Institute of Radiological Sciences, Anagawa 4-9-1, Inage, Chiba 263-8555, Japan.
管理者の異動によりサイトの更新は平成20年度末で終了しました。適当な時期に閉鎖します。Figure 1. The jPET project team in Dec. 2005. A real player video is here.
Latest Lab. News
- 3月23日(月)の核医学物理セミナーで村山室長の最終講演を行います。終了後、記念パーティーも行います。
- 山谷主任研究員の「がん診断と治療を融合する開放型PET装置の開発」が「平成20年度 コニカミノルタ画像科学奨励賞」に選ばれました。[ニュースリリース]
- 1月19日(月)に、恒例の次世代PET研究会(公開)を開催しました。[公式アナウンス]
- 人事異動(昇任)山谷泰賀:分子イメージング研究センター 先端生体計測研究グループ イメージング物理研究チーム 主任研究員(2008/12/01公表)
業務補助員の矢崎祐次郎君(千葉大修士課程)がThe 5th KOREA-JAPAN Joint Meeting on Medical Physicsで、Young Investigator's Awardを受賞しました。[記事](2008/09/11)
- 山谷研究員の提唱する「Open PET」の概念がPhys. Med. Biol.誌に採録されたことを受けて、文部科学省で記者会見を行いました。その結果、2月8日の首都圏のニュース(おはよう日本7:30台)で放映された他、朝日新聞や日本経済新聞にも掲載されました。癌診断・治療に対する関心の高さが伺われます。ただし、一部の報道では「Open PET」の装置が完成したように表現されていますが、これは間違いです。[プレス発表]
以前のニュース(previous news)
健常ボランティア(20代男性)の脳断層映像 June, 2006 Figure 2. jPET-D4 preliminar images of a healthy volunteer brain (22-years old male) reconstructed using a 3D-OSEM with the DOI compression method including some programing bugs.
The spatial resolution is expected to be less than 3 mm anywhere in early 2007.
jPET Related Materials
- 放射線科学誌 (Radiological Sciences) より抜粋
- 放医研ニュース(NIRS NEWS)より抜粋 English available
- 次世代PET装置開発研究報告書(リンク)
- jPETのプレス発表一覧
- jPETの公開特許一覧(2003年以降出願分 PATENTS)
- その他の日本語文献
- PET装置開発(ソフト/ハード)で理工系学位(修/博)取得を希望する方→個別にメールを送って下さい。
Materials other than jPET
- 核医学物理セミナー
- 診断システム開発室職員名簿
- HRRT博士論文勉強会
- イメージング物理研究チーム居室案内図 (放医研所内地図 2006年4月現在)
- いないなファンクラブ(it's a joke) 2009/1/6 更新しました
Reviewd Original Papers
Figure 3. Proposal of an OpenPET geometry for multimodal imagings and radiation therapy utilizing the ring gap with imaging capability.
in 2009
E. Yoshida, K. Kitamura, et al: "Feasibility study of a highly sensitive LaBr3 PET scanner based on the DOI-dependent extended-energy window", Nucl. Instrum. Methods A, 604 (JUN, 2009) 363-365.
C.-F. Lam, T. Yamaya, et al: "Parallel implementation of 3-D iterative reconstruction with intra-thread update for the jPET-D4", IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 56 (FEB, 2009) 129-135.
- T. Yamaya, et al: "Preliminary study on potential of the jPET-D4 human brain scanner for small animal imaging", Annals of Nucl. Med., 23 (FEB, 2009) 183-190.
- T. Yamaya, T. Inaniwa, et al: "Simulation studies of a new 'OpenPET' geometry based on a quad unit of detector rings", Phys. Med. Biol., 54 (JAN, 2009) 1223-1233.
- T. Hasegawa, E. Yoshida, et al: "Optical observation of energy loss distribution and practical range of positrons from a 18F water solution in a water-equivalent phantom", Med. Phys., 36 (JAN, 2009) 402-410.
in 2008
- S. Kishimoto, K. Shibuya, et al: "Subnanosecond time-resolved x-ray measurements using an organic-inorganic perovskite scintillator", Appl. Phys. Lett., 93 (DEC, 2008) 261901 1-3.
- T. Yamaya, T. Inaniwa, et al: "Imaging simulations of an "OpenPET" geometry with shifting detectors rings", Radiol. Phys. Technol., 2 (DEC, 2008) 62-69.
- T. Yamaya, E. Yoshida, et al: "First human brain imaging by the jPET-D4 prototype with a pre-computed system matrix", IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 55 (OCT, 2008) 2482-2492.
- E. Yoshida, K. Kitamura, et al: "A DOI-dependent extended energy window method to control balance of scatter and true events", IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 55 (OCT, 2008) 2475-2481.
- K. Shibuya, F. Nishikido, et al: "Timing Resolution Improvement Using DOI Information in a Four-Layer Scintillation Detector for TOF-PET", Nucl. Instrum. Methods A, 593 (AUG, 2008) 572-577.
- T. Yamaya, T. Inaniwa, et al: "A proposal of an open PET geometry", Phys. Med. Biol., 53 (FEB, 2008) 757-773.
- H. Haneishi, M. Sato, et al: "Simplified simulation of four-layer depth of interaction detector for PET", Radiol. Phys. Technol., 1 (JAN, 2008) 106-114.
- N. Inadama, H. Murayama, et al: "Performance evaluation for 120 four-layer DOI detectors of the jPET-D4", Radiol. Phys. Technol., 1 (JAN, 2008) 75-82.
- F. Nishikido, T. Tsuda, et al: "Spatial resolution evaluation with a pair of two four-layer DOI detectors for small animal PET scanner: jPET-RD", Nucl. Instrum. Methods A, 584 (JAN, 2008) 212-218.
in 2007
- K. Shibuya, M. Koshimizu, et al: "Application of accelerators for the research and development of scintillators", Rev. Sci. Instrum., 78 (AUG, 2007) 083303 1-7.
- K. Shibuya, E. Yoshida, et al: "Annihilation radiation acollinearity in PET: volunteer and phantom FDG studies", Phys. Med. Biol., 52 (SEP, 2007) 5249-5261.
- K. Kitamura, A. Ichikawa, et al: "Detector normalization and scatter correction for the jPET-D4: A 4-layer depth-of-interaction PET scanner", Nucl. Instrum. & Methods A, 571 (FEB, 2007) 231-234.
- E. Yoshida, K. Kitamura, et al: "Inter-crystal identification for a depth-sensitive detector using support vector machine for small animal PET", Nucl. Instrum. & Methods A, 571 (FEB, 2007) 243-246.
- T. Hasegawa, E. Yoshida, et al: "Evaluation of static physics performance of the jPET-D4 by Monte Carlo simulations", Phys. Med. Biol., 52 (JAN, 2007) 213-230.
in 2006
- N. Inadama, H. Murayama, et al: "8-layer DOI encoding of 3-Dimensional crystal array", IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 53 (OCT, 2006) 2523-2528.
- E. Yoshida, T. Yamaya, et al.: "Design and initial evaluation of a 4-layer DOI-PET system: the jPET-D4", Jpn. J. Med. Phys., 26 (SEP, 2006) 131-140.
- C.-F. Lam, N. Hagiwara, et al.: "An inter-crystal scatter correction method for DOI PET image reconstruction", Jpn. J. Med. Phys., 26 (SEP, 2006) 118-130.
- H. Muraishi, T. Hasegawa, et al: "New tracking method for head motion using a single camera and a solid marker", Med. Imag. Tech., 24 (SEP, 2006) 320-328.
- T. Yamaya and H. Murayama: "(Development of Imaging Technology in Life Sciences III) Development of small animal PET scanners", Radioisotopes, 55 (SEP, 2006) 533-542. [in Japanese]
- K. Shibuya, T. Yamaya, et al: "Fast radiation detectors for time-of-flight positron emission tomography", Radioisotopes, 55 (JUL, 2006) 391-402. [in Japanese]
- T. Yamaya, N. Hagiwara, et al: "Preliminary resolution performance of the prototype system for a 4-layer DOI-PET scanner: jPET-D4", IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 53 (JUN, 2006) 1123-1128.
- T. Tsuda, H. Murayama, et al: "Performance evaluation of a subset of a four-layer LSO detector for a small animal DOI PET scanner: jPET-RD", IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 53 (FEB, 2006) 35-39.
- N. Inadama, H. Murayama, et al: "Preliminary evaluation of four-layer BGO DOI-detector for PET", IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 53 (FEB, 2006) 30-34.
- E. Yoshida, K. Kitamura, et al.: "Energy spectra analysis of the four-layer DOI detector for the brain PET scanner: jPET-D4", Nucl. Instrum. & Methods A, 557 (FEB, 2006) 664-669.
in 2005
- T. Yamaya, N. Hasegawa, et al.: "Transaxial system models for jPET-D4 image reconstruction", Phys. Med. Biol., 50 (NOV, 2005) 5339-5355.
- T. Yamaya, Y. Yoshida, et al.: "Imaging performance evaluation of the jPET-D4 one-ring prototype by the DOI compr-ession (DOIC) method", Med. Img. Tech., 23 (SEP, 2005) 185-193. [in Japanease]
- T. Yamaya, K. Kitamura, et al.: "2D imading simulations of a small animal PET scanner with DOI measurement: jPET-RD", Jpn. J. Med. Phys., 25 (MAR, 2005) 13-23. [in Japanease]
- N. Inadama, H. Murayama, et al.: "Performance of 256ch flat panel PS-PMT with small crystals for a DOI PET detector", IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 52 (FEB, 2005) 15-20.
- N. Orita, H. Murayama, et al.: "Three-dimensional array of scintillation crystals with proper reflector arrangement for a depth of interaction detector", IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 52 (FEB, 2005) 8-14.
- T. Hasegawa, M. Ishikawa, et al.: "Depth-of-interaction recognition using optical filters for nuclear medicine imaging ", IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 52 (FEB, 2005) 4-7.
International Presentations in 2006-8
IEEE NSS/MIC 2008: IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, Dresden, Germany, OCT 19-25. Our Abstracts
- IEEE NSS/MIC 2007: IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, OCT 28-NOV 3. Our Abstracts
- Fully 3D 2007: 9th International Meeting on Fully Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Lindau, Germany, JUL 9-13.
- T. Yamaya, et al: "Implementation of 3D Image Reconstruction with a Pre-computed System Matrix for the jPET-D4", Oral: PET / SPECT, Fully 3D 2007.
- C-F. Lam, et al: "3D PET Image Reconstruction with On-the-fly System Matrix Generation Accelerated by Utilizing Shift and Symmetry Properties", Poster, Fully 3D 2007.
- T. Kobayashi, et al: "Improvement of PET Image Quality Using DOI and TOF Information", Poster, Fully 3D 2007.
- IEEE NSS/MIC 2006: IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, San Diego, California, OCT 29-NOV 4. Our Abstracts
- 以前の国際学会発表(previous presentations)
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